If you have come upon a fawn and think it's in need of assistance, you may be right. You also may be wrong. For example, you may think a fawn has been abandoned because you do not see its mother. However, the mother may be close by. By taking the fawn, you will be doing harm. So, it's crucial that you know if and when a fawn needs your help. Please click the button below to go to our checklist. It will help you determine if you really need to get involved. Thank you for caring!
According to Michigan's Department of Natural Resources, fawns can only be rehabilitated by licensed wildlife rehabbers. Although we typically accept fawns from surrounding counties, rehabbers are required to return fawns to their home county. Also, we cannot accept fawns from designated CWD counties. This helps cut down on the possible spread of diseases. It is also critical to find the rehabber closest to you because fawns do not travel well and can even die if the ride is too long. Click the link below to locate licensed rehabilitators in, or near, your Michigan county.
If you would like to learn more about fawns, please read the article below. It addresses reporting of fawns, capture and care, transportation, and how to lessen stress to these animals.
Typical signs a fawn is in trouble:
If, after referring to our checklist, you determine the fawn needs help, contact the rehabilitator in your Michigan county.
If you cannot reach a rehabilitator in your county, and it is an emergency situation, please call us below. Our number is 810.969.8589.